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The bath tub, shower, sink and lavabo may well be cleaned with a paste made of baking soda, liquid soap and water. Baking soda and liquid soap are mixed in a ratio of 3:1, and adding sufficient water to form a cleaning paste. The same paste can also be used for cleaning ceramic tiles in the bathroom. To clean the heavy dirt from ceramic tiles some kitchen salt can be added to this cleaning paste, or you could previously coated dirt with vinegar, and then purified with the mentioned paste or sodium bicarbonate, to get more abrasive powder. At the end all the surfaces should be cleaned with water.

baths cleaning with soda
cleaning baths

From a chemical point of view, baking soda is slightly alkaline. Because of its properties it is effective in preventing the formation of mold and fungi, which may be formed on the moist areas such as in the bathroom.

At the same time baking soda is ideal for removing stubborn dirt from washable surfaces. Baking soda has water-soluble crystals that are gently abrasive. And last but not least, bicarbonate of soda is effective in removing odors.


  • Area of showers can be cleans with a damp sponge to which you have sprinkled baking soda. Shower, rinse and dry. The same procedure can also be used to clean the plastic curtains in the shower. They can also be washed in the washing machine, by adding 3 tablespoons of baking soda to your regular detergent and use a gentle washing cycle for garments.

  • Molds that may occur in the bathroom, sprinkle with baking soda and leave it for a minute, then rub and rinse.

  • Limescale and soap in the bathtub remove with a damp cloth sprinkled with a mixture of three parts baking soda and one part of water. Rinse and dry with a dry cloth. In the same way, you can also remove traces of limescale from water taps and ceramic tiles.

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